The Latina Women’s Conference is an event that is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Latino Convention. The conference started in 2022 and was created as a networking opportunity for Latinas to listen and learn from each other about how we can showcase the Latin community.
At last year’s conference Monica Ruiz-Caraballo, a member of the Governor Latino Affairs Commission expressed her gratitude to the Pennsylvania Latino Convention for hosting the event and shared the significance, “We are not afforded these opportunities. We have to work very, very hard…..It’s systemic. It’s not something that happened yesterday. We have to be the ones to dismantle the systems.”
This organization’s purpose is to “promote Latino/Hispanic achievements and preparation for local, state, national, and global competitiveness by fostering excellence and ensuring equal access to all aspects of Pennsylvania’s shared prosperity and responsibility.”
Some of the discussions that will be mentioned at this event include Latina Entrepreneurship, Civic Engagement, Latinas in Technology, Health, Leadership, and Education.
The world needs more Latinas involved in these topics because it will reflect on how we move forward as a community in the future.
The event is scheduled for March 27th in Lancaster Pennsylvania, if you’re interested in attending tickets are available here.