Latin American culture has gifted society with many variations of its beauty; the music, the food, and the language. The history of the Spanish language originated from Castilian Spanish.
According to Lingvist, “During the Second World War, the dictator Francisco Franco declared Castilian Spanish Spain’s only official language, prohibiting the use of other regional languages in many areas.”
As time went on and as more Spanish-speaking countries began to progress different dialects had been created.
Today Spanish is the second most spoken language.
TANDEM Madrid has concluded that “The number of native Spanish speakers will still be higher than the number of native English and French speakers.”
Whether you are or aren’t fluent in Spanish, you can’t deny that there are some tongue twisters in the Spanish vocabulary.
Try some of these Tongue Twisters:
En un trigal, tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo
Translation: Three sad tigers were eating wheat in a wheat field).
Rápido corren los carros por los rieles del ferrocarril
Translation: Cars run fast the railroad tracks.
Yo lloro si lloras, si lloras yo lloro. Tu llanto es mi llanto; y tu llanto, mi lloro. Si tu ya no lloras, tampoco yo lloro.
Translation: I cry if you cry, if you cry I cry. Your cry is my cry; and your cry, my cry. If you no longer cry, neither do I cry.
Have Fun!