by Sofia Escalante
here we stand
rooted from the ground
holding each other’s hands
outstanding brilliant minds
women or man
the strength we carry with our guardian angels
the roots are working hands
making the supplies with love
for you to enjoy
Las penas con pan son buenos
we are the roots
flowers blooming as our actions beat the odds
having political views thinking we won’t achieve
just fall
which pushes us to succeed
believe it
we dream it
we’re always gonna persevere
don’t let foolish opinions let you assume with fear
being Latino/a is beyond marvelous to embrace
for me
beautiful skin with a wide selection
various hair textures that can’t compare beyond measure
the nature beauty
with a fresh face is already a win
no wall or injustice can break us
we are the roots
foolish opinions will never ever justify what our people bring
to the table
our roots are strong , brave, creative, and optimistic
spiritually a mystery
we are the roots
time to write our stories

About Sofia Escalante
Sofia Escalante aka/ stage name (BounceBackB) . I am a true 23 year old Bay Area native! Shoutout to the “ Yay Area”. I have been a poet since I was 8 years old. Poetry allows me to express my feelings freely, my life intellectually, and experiences of being a woman with rawness. Also while being a full time poet , I am also a full time teacher working with Special Education children . I truly love what I do because it gives me so much joy when their cognitive development improves each day , their health is good, and they improve how they communicate. My dreams are to excel as a writer and get my work published . Inspired to inspire.
“Roots’ poem was written in honor of Hispanic Heritage month and I hope my fellow Latinos/as know how deeply I appreciate you and we see all you do. Thank you for Never giving up on your dreams mi gente! May you break generational cycles , take your mental health seriously , and explore yourselves to reach your fullest potential!
As a Salvadoran American woman, I would like to give a big shoutout to my Mamacita, Mom, Papi Rogelio, Mama Elvira, Mama Carmen , My sister , and life mentors for inspiring me to honor my culture, and roots , and giving thanks to our ancestors.
I hope you all enjoy my poem
Con Amor,
Sofia Escalante