Musical icon and global superstar Daddy Yankee was named the executive producer of Netflix’s upcoming comedy series Neon. The post is set to follow Santi an aspiring reggaetón artist played by Tyler Dean Flores, along with his group of friends Ness (Emma Ferrerira), and Felix (Jordan Mendoza) as they enter the music industry. Showrunners Shea Serrano and Max Searle promise that the comedic moments in the show will be evenly balanced with the seriousness of the struggles that many musicians face before they get their foot in the door.
Shea Serrano and Max Searle also say that Daddy Yankee is set to make a cameo in one of the episodes. This will be Daddy Yankee’s second time executively producing a project since his 2008 film Talento de Barrio, in which he starred as the main protagonist Edgar: a man trying to escape his criminal past by becoming a reggaetón artist. In September 2022, Daddy Yankee announced his retirement from his music career at his farewell tour LA ÚLTIMA VUELTA (The Last Round). Although he has left the music industry, I believe this series is his way of representing the Latino community and sharing his story with the world.